
Cape Town Events Weblog

What: 📅 LIPVENTURE - a playshop on the Art of Kissing

LIPVENTURE - a playshop on the Art of Kissing


Where: 🕳 196 Victoria

How much:

🎟️ R300.00Quicket

Are you passionate about the art of kissing and eager to explore its depths? Or perhaps you’re curious about the allure of kissing and open to discovering its magic? Whether kissing is for you a well-practiced routine or something you don’t do so often (yet), this playshop is for you.

In the realm of a kiss, we forge connections, express desire and shyness, unravel the mysteries of our partners, reveal our authentic selves, and navigate the dance of demand and surrender. A simple kiss can transcend into an intimate encounter, creating moments of profound connection.

The pleasure of kissing is not a mere coincidence. This immersive playshop is crafted to delve into diverse qualities and approaches to kissing. Participants will uncover their unique preferences in both giving and receiving kisses, gaining profound insights into the communicative dimensions of this intimate act.

Prepare to embark on a journey of diverse kisses with strangers, friends, and loved ones during this playshop - all on a strictly voluntary basis, of course! Anticipate moments of delightful awkwardness, curiosity, desire, and, most importantly, an abundance of fun!

I warmly welcome individuals of all experience levels, sexual orientations, and varying degrees of boldness and shyness. Please note that this playshop is an opportunity to look beyond gender and be open to exploring connections with all genders. However, it’s important to emphasise that participation is entirely voluntary; nothing is obligatory.

Technicalities: Prior to the playshop, prioritise oral hygiene with a thorough brushing and flossing routine, and drink a good amount of water throughout the day.

About myself:I am a passionate tantric workshop facilitator and ceremonial practitioner, who is not only passionate about kissing but thrilled to share and spread the joy of this profound connection.

Please feel free to contact me, if you have any

I look forward to exploring with you.
