
Cape Town Events Weblog

What: 📽 Trails in Motion Film Festival

Trails in Motion Film Festival


Where: 🕳 Gone. Outdoor High Constantia

How much:

🎟️ R50.00Quicket

We’re back with TRAILS IN MOTION 12, five short films about trail and ultra running from three countries.

The Trails In Motion Film Tour is an annual international film and content showcase for the community, by the community, bringing a collection of the finest trail and ultra running films to audiences around the world.

Whichever kind of runner you are, wherever you run, these films tell the stories of ordinary people taking their running to places that inspire and expand your own running imagination and outdoor adventures! Gather your crew and join us for what promises to be a fun evening.

The films on tour:‘Bill’s Trail’ directed by Matt Cecill’Punk De Trail' directed by Loup-Willian Théberge’Kisses From Silverton’ directed by Timothée Ranger’Racing Arizona’ directed by Michael Dillon’Running Wild’ directed by Will Hodgett

Arrive at 6:30pm for a 7pm start.